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Does this sound like you?

Research suggests that only around 10% of people find management comes naturally. For the other 90%, we need to work at it, to be conscious of what we do and how we affect others.

Add in a ‘hybrid workplace’ – with the team split between the office and working remotely – and management is even less easy.

  1. How do you manage yourself and keep yourself motivated and productive?

  2. How do you adapt your management approach to different individuals who are having
    different experiences?

  3. How do you keep your team connected when they only see each other on a screen?

  4. do you know you’re doing the right thing as a manager?

We’ll help you realize your potential as a Manager

How the program works

We’ve developed an 8-week hybrid program to teach managing in a hybrid world. Our first session is a half day face to face, and then we run 3 x 2-hour masterclasses. We cover the content
which helps managers address the 3 key spheres of influence: you, your direct reports, and your team.


1. Managing yourself & the manager’s checklist

Contains a focus on self-leadership and self-care, as well as an introduction to the fundamentals of management, and a checklist for all the activities a great manager undertakes every day, week, month and quarter.


2. Managing different people

How to understand, support and motivate different types of people in a hybrid world.


3. The critical conversations

The 3 critical conversations to manage performance: delegation, feedback and coaching.


4. Managing the team

How to form, build and sustain a high-performing, productive team; how to build a team that’s greater than the sum of its parts.

The package you get

  • 1 x 1⁄2 day face to face workshop to kick off, covering module 1

  • 3 x 2hr live online workshops, around 2 weeks apart, for modules 2, 3 and 4

  • Specific Management Missions to complete between each workshop

  • 2 x 360 feedback reports pre and post the programme - to get real 3rd party feedback on your skills

  • 1 x 1hr Group mentoring session to work through real issues

  • Debrief session for your line manager to get their buy-in to the program

  • Online library of tools, techniques, best practice videos

The impact

To measure the impact of this program, we don’t just rely on participants’ feedback – we measure the behavioural change observed by their direct reports and their manager.

By comparing pre-course and post-course 360 feedback ratings, we saw that across all 14 measured behaviours, every single one showed an improvement from pre to post.

Download the Program Brochure Here

For more questions about the program

Clients and Testimonials

"C is taking more lead in our team WIPs and really driving the team's direction. Work was feeling slightly aimless before but now the team feels more aligned and cohesive."

Boss 01

"G’s style has become much more open and collaborative. I've noticed that's she's more likely to be sharing problems with the team and leading a conversation in getting to the solution. (As opposed to in past, where she may have brought the solution to the table fully formed.) To my mind, this leads to better outcomes, as everyone has a sense of joint ownership and
accountability for delivering the solution."

Boss 02

"It's been wonderful to see S put her recent training into practice and gain a new perspective on some of the areas we've been focusing on. I've noticed that she's mentally turned a corner and is feeling more comfortable in managing others."

Boss 03

"K is helping support my workload, removing obstacles in my path so that I can work more


The Growth Plan

Over 4 live workshops (1 face to face, 3 remote), we will take you on a journey to reframe how you show up as a manager. We’ll help you build a practical toolkit of management techniques designed for a hybrid workplace. We’ll help you combine the tools and techniques into a Manager’s Checklist for every day, week, month and quarter.

The Management Challenges

We’ll challenge you to undertake 3 x Management Missions to apply your learnings between
each workshop. These Management Missions will come from 360 feedback we get from your
team and your boss – you’ll use the tools and techniques to drive real change and real growth.

Face to Face / Online

12 people

Multiple Short Sessions

People Manager Training

Our most popular course to help your managers bring out the best in others.

Face to Face / Online

Multiple Short Sessions

12 people

Our most popular course to help your managers bring out the best in others.

People Manager Training

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