Does this sound like you?
All organisations are making increasing use of data and analysis to make critical decisions and run their business.
And yet it is not always easy for leaders, decision-makers and generalists to understand the data coming at them.
One way to solve this could be to train your leaders on the nuances of each data set you have, so that they understand it....
...But we believe a better way is to help your specialists better communicate their work to their stakeholders.
We’ll help you make more Impact
How the program works
This is a full day face to face program, or two half days online.
The first part is on communication input:
1. The psychology of communication
2. Understanding your stakeholder’s communication style
3. Asking great questions
The second part is on communication output:
4. Insights vs Facts
5. The 3 basic communication structures
6. How to create a narrative
Learning supports
The program is also supported by pre and post 360 communication feedback for each participant; an online library of tools and resources; small group mentoring sessions after the
training to embed the learning.
The impact
We have partnered with an industry body to deliver a program to the marketing team of a major bank, to analysts at a Superannuation company, a Government Departments and a University. Now we’ve created a program targeted more broadly to anyone working with data who needs to better communicate it to their stakeholders
The results we have had for the industry body are confidential, however we can share some highlights.
For a Superannuation company, we devised a way to get 360 feedback from participants’ stakeholders before and after the training. We measured the changes on 6 measures of
“communication input” and 6 measures of “communication output”.
All 12 communication measures increased comparing post training 360 feedback 2 months after the course, to pre-training feedback from the same people.
Clients and Testimonials
"C is taking more lead in our team WIPs and really driving the team's direction. Work was feeling slightly aimless before but now the team feels more aligned and cohesive."
Boss 01
"G’s style has become much more open and collaborative. I've noticed that's she's more likely to be sharing problems with the team and leading a conversation in getting to the solution. (As opposed to in past, where she may have brought the solution to the table fully formed.) To my mind, this leads to better outcomes, as everyone has a sense of joint ownership and
accountability for delivering the solution."
Boss 02
"It's been wonderful to see S put her recent training into practice and gain a new perspective on some of the areas we've been focusing on. I've noticed that she's mentally turned a corner and is feeling more comfortable in managing others."
Boss 03
"K is helping support my workload, removing obstacles in my path so that I can work more

Technical experts often don’t make the impact they want. We’ll show you two ways to change this.
In part one of the program, we look at “how to get great input” – how to understand your
stakeholders and what they need. How use questioning to get to what they really want.
In part two, it’s all about presenting the results of your work – how to move beyond data to reveal
the insights and weave them into a narrative that helps your stakeholder understand the facts
and take action.

Face to Face / Online
12 people

1 Day or Multiple Short Sessions

Stakeholder Communications Training
Helping technical experts communicate with their stakeholders.
Face to Face / Online
1 Day or Multiple Short Sessions

12 people